When I reached the bridge I was stranded to the side
I looked across the river beyond the reach of Death
It was there that I saw my shinning knight
The sight of her face replenished my health
So I took a deep breath
Then followed the seven lights

The Sage of Ten Forces took my mother away.
He said it is the law that all things are impermanent.
Despite the fact that I begged him to let her stay,
He looked me in the eyes
Then swiftly took her away

When I tried to conquer the world
In my rose colored glasses
The universe laughed
Then took me for a swirl
I kept my head high and braced myself standing
As I glared at the angry people gathered in masses
Thus, I will never forget the power of planning
Then the world will glow before your eyes.
The Blog of Jeremiah Onwubuya